Leadership and Gratitude

We’re just a day away and our minds are full of thoughts of THE big meal, football and family, afternoon naps, and elastic waisted pants. In a blink of an eye, it’s gone for another year and we’re knee-deep into the next holiday. Thanksgiving is about celebrating harvest, the blessings of the year, friendships, and family.

As leaders, one of the most important aspects of leadership is gratitude, and importantly, expressing it to your team. Most leaders don’t purposely avoid thanking their teams; they likely don’t have it built in as an essential skill.

As a leader, consider the following:

·        Leadership is about the team’s success, not the success of the leader. When a leader expresses his/her gratitude, it gives the team a moment to be both seen and recognized for their efforts.

·        Have you ever wondered why people don’t express thanks? It’s a part of human vulnerability and a simple “thank you” shows a need, something that some people can’t do.

·        When someone follows your leadership, they have chosen to do. Remember, no one is required do anything for you. When that choice is made, we should be thankful for the decision.

·        The expression of gratitude or gratefulness motivates your team. It acknowledges their efforts, their contributions, and helps them see that their work truly matters.

As a leader, thankfulness should always be at the forefront of our minds. Not only is it a necessary tool, but a reminder that we can’t always do things alone; we need help to move forward. Take a minute to thank your team, individually or as a group, at every opportunity.

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, a leader is a servant.

Max Depree

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


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