Passion and Leadership
When you hear the word “passion”, I’m sure you think of many things, from love to anger, maybe even fear or enthusiasm. Unfortunately, in the leadership environment today, passion is often used when a leader is losing energy, creatively stagnant, decreased motivation, or even the dreaded burnout. “They’ve lost their passion” people will say.
When it comes to leadership, passion is a key element for a couple of reasons. For one, it’s a personal perspective; passion comes from your very core and drives your ability to focus energy on that one thing. Leaders who can hone in on their passion can be very effective leaders. Secondly, leaders help others understand their own passions and have the ability to, literally, pay it forward as an incredibly motivational force.
“Passion is interest on steroids” - Steve Moore
A truly self-aware leader will have great understanding of their passion. What are you motivated to spend time learning about? Diving all in?
Steve Moore, President of Missio Nexus, describes passion from two perspectives: interest-based and issue-based:
Interest-based passion is fun and a source of pleasure (golf, photography) and are often associated with activities that come from both interest and skill.
Issue-based passion provides fulfillment and a sense of purpose (the environment or volunteering). They are generally derived from experiences and generally result in change.
Everyone has both interest and issue based passions. So how do we circle this back to leadership? People are motivated very differently, personally and professionally. The goal, as a leader, is to find the passion in our people and our teams. Will you nurture your people and help light their passion?
Click for the passion profile
Ready to lead with passion?
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